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[08-10 August 2024] 8th India International Footwear Fair (IIFF)

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This is to inform that the India Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO) in association with Confederation of Indian Footwear Industries (CIFI), India is organising ‘8th India International Footwear Fair (IIFF)’ during 08-10 August 2024 at New Delhi, India.

The Fair will display Footwear, Machinery & Equipment, Technology, Compounds, Raw-Material, Footwear Components, Synthetic Materials – PVC/PU, Chemicals, Soles, Fabrics and Leather Products & Accessories. The event provides an opportunity to the trade and Industry to showcase their products and finalize their business with National and International Buyers. It is expected to visit more than 20,000 business visitors to the Fair.   

Interested participants have to register online at the following link:


The contact details of the coordinator are given below:

Shri Alok Jain

Mob.: +91-9811121636

E-mail: iiff.cifi@gmail.com    &    cifi.delhi@gmail.com

The Link to website: https://indiatradefair.com/footwear-fair/

All interested Vietnamese businesses are requested to contact the Embassy of India for further details and support for the event.