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[4 February 2019] LOGISTICS SUMMIT 2019 : Levers for Improving Logistics Competitiveness

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The LOGISTICS SUMMIT 2019 themed 'Levers for Improving Logistics Competitiveness' on 4th February 2019 in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India. The Expo is to be organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).

The objective of the summit is to serve as an ideal platform for exploring key logistics levers for business success at global level. The conference would be arranged in three sessions: (i) Modern Logistics Infrastructure, (ii) Digitisation impact on Logistics, (iii) Enhancing image of the sector.

For further information, please contact email: Mr. Riyaz at email: riyaz.jaffer@cii.in or access website: www.ciilogistics.com

All interested Vietnamese businesses are requested to contact the Embassy of India for further details and support for the event.

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