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Seminar on Promotion of Trade and Investment in Pharma Sector

Posted on: January 25, 2021 | Back | Print

The Embassy of India in association with the International Investment Promotion Alliance (INVEST-GLOBAL), Vietnam Association of Foreign Invested Enterprise (VAFIE) and Indian Business Chamber (INCHAM) in Hanoi organized an India-Vietnam Seminar on Promotion of Trade and Investment in Pharmaceutical Sector on 21 January 2021. The event was supported by the Drug Administration of Vietnam, the Ministry of Health of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

In his keynote remarks, Ambassador Pranay Verma urged businesses and all stakeholders on both sides to explore new opportunities for promoting engagement in pharmaceutical sector in accordance with the “Joint Vision for Peace, Prosperity and People” adopted by the Prime Ministers of India and Vietnam on 21 December 2020. Ambassador underlined India’s globally acknowledged capabilities as a producer of high-quality, low-cost medicines and vaccines, which was fully demonstrated during the #COVID19 pandemic as India became a major provider of pharmaceuticals to more than 150 countries. Ambassador also highlighted India’s launch of the largest ever vaccination drive in the human history on 16th January 2021 to fight the #COVID19 pandemic with two “Made in India” vaccines.

The event was attended by about 180 people including representatives of Ministry of Finance, Drug Administration of Vietnam, Indian pharmaceutical companies based in Vietnam and Vietnamese pharma companies.


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