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Inauguration of Army Software Park in Nha Trang

Posted on: January 14, 2021 | Back | Print

The new building of the Army Software Park at the Tele-Communications University of the Ministry of National Defence of Vietnam was inaugurated on 12 January 2021 in Nha Trang by Deputy Defence Minister of Vietnam, Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyễn Chi Vinh in the presence of Ambassador Pranay Verma. Defence Secretary of India, Dr. Ajay Kumar joined the event online and delivered the keynote address. The Army Software Park is a modern symbol of long-standing Defence Partnership between India and Vietnam, and will play an important role in IT and language training for Defence forces of Vietnam. In the current phase of the project, Government of India is providing a grant assistance of US$ 5 million for the Park’s IT infrastructure for which an agreement was concluded between the two sides on the margins of the Virtual Summit held on 21 December 2020 between the Prime Ministers of the two countries. During the inaugural event, Ambassador exchanged the agreement document with the rector of the Tele-Communications University.

The inaugural ceremony was followed by the 13th round of India-Vietnam Vice Ministerial Defence Policy Dialogue, held on-line between India’s Defence Secretary and Vietnam’s Deputy Defence Minister.


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